Book Review: Let's Get Textual by Teagan Hunter

Let’s Get Textual by Teagan Hunter

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This was such a treat. It was adorable and I really liked the characters and romance. And I definitely want to read more Teagan Hunter books in the future.

I’m a huge fan of textual communication in my fiction, so I definitely loved all the texting between Delia and Zach. They had great banter and those interactions really helped show their personalities along with creating a foundation for their romance.

Speaking of, I really liked the romance. It was light and easy to cheer for. An angsty romance has it’s place, but ones like this always make me smile. And the baby goat! That whole story line was adorable and I liked what it added to the romance and story in general.

There were some great friendships in here which I love. It also contributed to some sequel bait which I am here for.

Thanks for reading!
