Book Review: Brazen & the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Brazen & the Beast .png
Brazen & the Beast  synopsis.png

This 5-star rating is super emotional and impulsive, but I am standing by it.

I’ve read some reviews where people complain about this being very similar to Wicked and the Wallflower. I thought that while reading but it’s been like a year since I read the first one. And honestly, I don’t care! There were some repetitive thoughts/conversations in this book that bothered me more.

Hattie & Whit were interesting characters. Hattie is smart and determined. She also has some insecurities-mainly about her body. This felt realistic and never got really annoying. Whit is a fairly standard bad-boy romance hero, but sometimes I am.

I loved seeing Devil and Felicity again. Lord knows I am a huge fan of Felicity as a character. There were also references to the Talbot sisters. Naturally, this made me want to reread their books. And I want more-I feel like there was some potential bait for another story there.

The Nik and Nora story line was so minor, but I need more. Can I get a novella or something at least? I need more & I want in their heads.

I know people are apprehensive about Grace & Ewan’s story, but I’m not. First, Grace is so interesting and I’m here just to find out more about her. I think she is hiding a lot. After The Day of the Duchess I have faith in Ms. MacLean executing their story.

Thanks for reading!