Book Review: From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata

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from lukov with love synopsis.png

This was a book. 

I really wanted to like it. I want a quality figure skating romance, but this wasn’t it. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t a horrible book, but it wasn’t anything special.

Jaz isn’t my favorite heroine, but she’s fine (this is a trend with this book). I’m not sure I’d want to be her friend, but I understand her. She did feel a little abrasive just to be abrasive. I also would’ve liked her to say bitch a few less times. Jasmine, please broaden your vulgarity-it just got redundant. Lukov was sort of interesting. I feel like I could’ve fallen in love with him if this was in dual POV or 3rd person. I’m not sure if I was reading clues to his feelings correctly or if I re-wrote stuff in my head to make things make sense. Does that make sense? 

Now, let’s talk romance. Again, it was fine. My issue was this ultimately felt more like a friendship than a romance. It can go to friends-to-lovers, but I just don’t buy it. Personally, this could’ve been mitigated by Lukov having a POV. At first, I thought it was a slow burn, but really there was a lack of romantic chemistry.

I’m starting to think Mariana Zapata may not be the author for me. She’s not bad or anything-just not for me. I will give her one more chance. If you have a recommendation let me know. Also, I still need a quality figure skating romance.

Thanks for reading!