Book Review: Beard in Mind by Penny Reid

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I freaking loved this! I liked it even more than Jenn and Cletus which I didn’t think was possible.

Shelly and Beau were both amazing characters. Shelly really got to me. Parts of her OCD experience are very similar to my own so it was easy to connect with her. It was so raw and great to read about someone like me. She also isn’t magically fixed. Instead, she goes to therapy and is on medication. Beau was a pleasant surprise. He could’ve been a one-note standard romance hero, but he was complex. His complexity really comes out with the difficult situations he faces.

And Ms. Reid does a great job in developing a romance. They are typically on the slower side, but in the best way possible. In this story especially, Shelly has a lot of personal stuff to work through before getting in a relationship. I really appreciate that Ms. Reid takes time for that. It also gives them time to build more of a relationship outside of sex. Personally, that’s what I like in a romance.

There was also so much sequel bait here-for both Billy and Roscoe. I’m completely in love with the Winston family and can’t wait to spend more time with them. 

And I 100% recommend the audiobooks. That’s how I’ve read all of these and have enjoyed it so much.

Thanks for reading!