Book Review: Sweet Talk by Cara Bastone

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This was so adorable. It made my heart so happy. I just wanted to listen to this and not do anything else.

I love epistolary novels and this was a great example of why. There’s cute banter and flirting. It also builds up tension really well. Jessie had a crush on Elliot, but it was never a really big part of the story. I loathe unrequited love so that made me happy. The pacing was so good! It kept me going and had me rooting for their romance. I also just realized there were no sexytimes and I don’t even care. Sometimes I feel deprived, but this was perfect.

Jessie is a great character. She’s basically a “not like other girls” character, but with none of the actual vibes you get from that character. And I loved how she felt about her dad-it made me so emotional. And I completely loved Elliot. He was not a typical hero or alpha guy. He’s an artist and passionate about it. He’s also generally confident, but has some weaknesses. I loved his vulnerabilities. He was so real.

I’m just in love with this. The production value was spectacular. It added so much to the story and I highly recommend this. And it definitely makes me want to read more books by Cara Bastone. Maybe I found a new favorite author.

Thanks for reading!