Book Review: Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills

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I was all over the place with this one. In the end, I did enjoy it.  And it was a very fast and engrossing read. I will read more from Ilsa Madden-Mills, but don’t feel the need to right away. That’s probably good for my bank account.

My main issue was with Knox. His behavior and personality was all over the place. She definitely tried to explain why he was like this, but it just didn’t work for me. I can suspend my disbelief, but the whiplash it caused me would just bring me right out of the story.

Ava was a nice character and it was easy to root for her. But she also didn’t feel like anything special. I’m already starting to forget things about her.

A lot of this is standard NA romance. There’s a rich guy and poor girl. There’s a sexual assault storyline. The romance has a forbidden aspect. The author did do something with the resolution that I wish more authors did. It really helped me buy into their romance. 

I haven’t read a lot of bully romances and I’m not sure it’s a trope for me. I like some enemies to lovers (mostly rivals) romance and angst (when I’m in the mood). I get the impression bully romances always have angst which is good to know if I ever want that in the future.

Thanks for reading!