Book Review: Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

get a life Chloe brown.png
Chloe brown synopsis.png

I think the hype got to me a little on this one. It’s probably more of a 3.5 but I don’t do half stars anymore. I will definitely keep reading the series and would recommend it.

Let’s start with the things that didn’t really work for me. My main issue was the romance. I didn’t feel it. Red and Chloe came across as having friend chemistry more than romantic chemistry. So, I never really got on board with their romance. The sex scenese also felt a little off sometimes-maybe this is because I wasn’t invested in the romance.

I liked Chloe and Red as characters, but never fully connected with them. It felt like I should’ve been more emotionally connected with them than I was. It just always felt like there was a wall between both of them and myself.

Now, let’s stop being negative. Like I already said, I did like Chloe and Red. Chloe is dealing with chronic pain. While I don’t have real personal experience with this it felt well done. Ms. Hibbert showed how it impacts her whole life even in subtle ways. Red is so kind-the type of hero I’m currently in love with. He’s also very understanding of the people in his life. He is dealing with his own baggage which was also very well done.

There’s a lot of mature and adult conversations here which was really nice to see in romance. I don’t want to go into spoilers, so this may be vague. Red and Chloe were self-aware and will discuss their concerns/fears. Of course there’s drama, because it’s a book, but it doesn’t feel manufactured. 

How could I forget Smudge? I love that adorable little cat. I was very emotionally invested in Smudge.

Thanks for reading!