Book Review: Touchstone by Karen Stivali

touchstone synopsis.png

This was good, but a little forgettable. Sam felt flat to me. It was almost like he was a part of Phoebe’s story. I didn’t dislike either character, but I also never fully connected to them. There also wasn’t a lot of tension or conflict. I’m sure some will like that, but I thought it felt a little off.

I’m excited to spend time in a new part of this world and I’m eager to see the Speakeasy Taproom grow. This has that small-town feel which is a comfort-read setting for me. Sam’s grandma and aunt were adorable. So, was the cat. I like a feisty cat character.

Sorry, I don’t have a lot to say. This set up the series, but isn’t going to be a book I want to return to over and over again.

Thanks for reading!