Book Review: Snowballed by Melanie Ting

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I didn’t think this would make me ball my eyes out, but here we are. This was a little disappointing the first third, but then I got very invested. I’m so glad I kept reading.

Noah is a new transfer to Moo U and is a grad student so he’s a bit older. He’s also a little shorter (5’9”). Let’s normalize that please. He’s also a little stoic so sometimes it was harder to know what’s going on in his head. That was one of my issues with this. I would be told things about Noah’s personality, but I had trouble seeing it. 

Zoe is going through a lot. Her story is what really got me crying. She works so hard and is dealing with the loss of her dad. I think I just really identified with her.

I wasn’t buying the romance at first. They had this bickering thing going on which I normally love, but I wasn’t really buying it. Once Noah and Zoe were together I was on board. I loved their almost quiet supportive of each other. Zoe’s refusal to deal with her personal issues caused a lot of the relationship drama which I actually really liked.

I think this will be a sleeper favorite Moo U book. It’s a more quiet story, but beautifully emotional and engaging. And I just realized I’ve owned a Melanie Ting book for years and need to get on reading that. I feel really bad that I’ve slept on her.

Thanks for reading!