Book Review: Beloved Liar by Lauren Rowe

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This was a really good conclusion. I do think this could have been one book or maybe a duet, but I’m still happy I read them. 

I thought this would have a lot of angst and drama caused by not talking to each other. But it wasn’t bad. Georgiana and Reed are adults here. Thank you! There was still drama and conflict but it wasn’t annoying. There were emotional payoffs-especially for Reed. I’m trying to avoid spoilers here. 

Reed did have some stalker or overbearing moments that got on my nerves. Georgiana did hold her own and called him on his BS so that helped. And he seemed to learn and acknowledge his problematic behavior.

This had more of Georgiana being a journalist which I liked. For a while it felt like a throwaway career, but Ms. Rowe delivered with this one. There was a Harvey Weinstein type story with this one. So, there were several conversations of sexual assault and abuse of power.

The epilogue was one of the most adorable ones I’ve read. It made my heart so happy. And I’m very happy to see Georgiana’s sister, Alessandra, has a spinoff. I already bought that audiobook.

Thanks for reading!