Book Review: Unforgettable by Marley Valentine

unforgettable synopsis.png

The hardest reviews are for good books. There’s nothing groundbreaking or particularly awful. It was good, I enjoyed it, but will probably forget most of it pretty quickly.

This starts with a one-night stand that turns into some fake dating. Fake dating isn’t my favorite trope, but I know a lot of people love it. Reeve and Oz really cared about each other. Their romance was kind of sweet. It was also physical. Not necessarily in the shmexy way-although there was that. What I mean is that they would just touch each other or put their feet on the other’s lap. It’s just a subtle thing I love seeing. It’s sweet and shows how safe they feel with each other.

I did really struggle with the difference between Oz and Reeve. They never felt like distinct characters or like they had a particular voice. Eventually I just gave up trying to remember/figure it out.

I enjoyed reading this and would recommend it. It’s pretty similar to a lot of the other books in the Vino and Veritas series. I generally don’t have a problem with a formulaic story so that doesn’t bother me.

Thanks for reading!