November Wrap-Up (2021)

I’m writing this about halfway into December which may be a mistake. My reading took a definite dip in November. The second half of the month I barely read anything. And I actually never finished a book. It was a little bit of disterest and a little bit of having other things to do. I made a specific choice to slow down and pull back on what I need to accomplish. I think that was a good choice for my mental health.

Thanksgiving also happened in November-as it does in the US. It was nice to spend some quality time with my family. My brother and sister-in-law visited from Albany with my niece and nephew. We celebrated Christmas and enjoyed seeing each other. Also, I did a small Thanksgiving with my mom’s family. It was a low-stress time which was needed.

I’m currently in the middle of like 4 books. I’m enjoying all of them, but just not in a reading mood. So I have no thoughts to share on any books this month. 

Thanks for reading!