Underdog by L.A. Witt

This isn’t a second chance romance but still a second chance since Landon is on parole after serving a 10 year prison sentence. I always like a second chance and a reformed criminal. I also like animals in my books. 

This was a tad too long. There was a lot of cute romance stuff. I actually like that but if there’s going to be a lot of it, I need that to be a second book in a series or something. A little bit is nice, but here it made the story drag a little. There was also a lot of the same conflict especially on Ty’s side. He was so hung up on never being in a relationship because of his parents. 

I liked the romance. It was faster but not instalove. Two characters can be attracted very quickly and have it not be love. And they did get to know each other and connected on multiple levels which helped me be more invested in the story/romance. 

Like I’ve said before there are a lot of animals. Ty runs a horse farm. Landon ultimately works on the farm along with another “farm” for dogs in need. There’s lots of cute moments with both kinds of animals. This cover isn’t a lie. Witt may go into too much detail for some readers but I don’t mind. 

This was cute and had callbacks to other books but took place mainly in the country.

Thanks for reading!