Book Review: Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Love on the Brain is my favorite Hazelwood so far. I’m not bothered by the repetitive nature of her stories…yet. I think she does need to branch out a little bit or people will get bored.

What I liked in this one is the same I liked in her other books. Bee was easy to like and she was competent. I’m a sucker for a competent character. I like that she isn’t a stereotype and she isn’t an awkward nerd.

Levi was cute and a great hero. He kind of felt like Josh from The Hating Game. I mean it’s a similar plot so I guess that makes sense.

The romance was predictable and Bee was kind of oblivious to Levi’s feelings. I’m pretty observant, but she was really bad. That was one of the things that bothered me.

Speaking of oblivious, that ending. It escalated quickly and I’m not sure I saw teh build up. Is this only me?

Like the other Hazelwood books, I read this by audio book. I highly recommend it and thought the narrator did a spectacular job. I should seek out more books she’s narrated.

Thanks for reading!