Book Review: Starlight by Christine DePetrillo

starlight synopsis.png

This had more of an emotional impact on me than I was expecting. I teared up a little toward the end.

It starts with a hook-up which isn’t my favorite thing, but I still ended up really liking it. The romance was good. Darren and Grace had really good chemistry. They also were interesting characters. Grace is a singer and has a passion for service dogs which I loved. Darren has a 10 year old adopted son who is dealing with trauma. He cares so much for his son. He also has some hang-ups about past relationships.

There were a lot of predictable conflicts and reveals, but they still worked. I wish the reveals happened a little earlier because the resolution was a bit rushed. Full disclosure: I almost always want more resolution and epilogue-type stuff.

This was a happy surprise and I’m glad I picked it up. Definitely recommend it.

Thanks for reading!