Book Review: The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker

This is such a popular book. Even people who don’t love the sequel(s), give it high praise. I like an enemies-to-lovers thing. And I’m drawn to stories set in Alaska. But this felt like Mariana Zapata.

So, I liked it well enough, but I don’t see what other people do.

Now, I’m not a big fan of single first person romances. 99% of the time I don't buy or connect to the romance. I definitely had that issue here. The ending was also a bit abrupt for me. The next book may fulfill that need, but I’m not sure I care enough to seek it out. 

I liked a lot of the characters individually. Calla could be unlikable-she’s fairly vain, but I have no issues with characters who care about their appearance. I actually was happy Ms. Tucker made the choice not to write a “not like other girls” heroine. Jonah was the weaker part of the romance. Getting his POV could’ve helped with this. Instead he came across a bit childish. Simon was a scene stealer though. He was so kind and precious. I always love a positive stepfather character in my books.

While the romance wasn’t my favorite, I did enjoy some of the other relationships. Mable was a great character and I liked her and Calla’s sister-like connection. I actually would like a story for Mable when she’s older.

Then, there’s Calla’s relationship with her dad, Wren. They’re reconnecting because he has cancer. He has strong Charlie from Twilight vibes and I mean that in the best possible way. Ms. Tucker developed that relationship in a very real way. I was worried it would be rushed or forced, but it wasn’t. The way their story was resolved wasn’t what I expected, but I think it was the right choice.

I realized I’ve actually never read a KA Tucker story before. I will read another book or two by her, but probably not right away. She may be another author who just isn’t quite for me. 

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Doubletalk by Teralyn Mitchell

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Friends-to-enemies kind of-to lovers. There’s predictable moments, but I really enjoyed this. I read it in one day and easily got sucked in.

Rory and Zeke were childhood friends, but they had a falling out in middle school. Rory still lives in Vermont. Zeke is a professional basketball player. He returns to Vermont to rehab some injuries. They run into each other and slowly reconnect. Zeke definitely wants a relationship or at least friendship, but Rory is still angry from the earlier stuff.

Rory will probably bother some readers. She’s a harsher personality and she’s a big grudge holder. I didn’t mind, but I’ve been known to hold a grudge so I get it. She’s also fairly self-aware about that. She does grow and learn, too. 

Zeke was a very nice guy and he tried to make up for mistakes he made as a kid. I would’ve liked him to be a bit more developed. We got little glimpses of his familial relationships, but that was really it.

My biggest issue was around the “big secret”. I knew from the beginning what the big conflict would be. I hate the not talking to each other thing. It wasn’t the knowing it part that bothered me but what the actual conflict was.

There were some small pacing or plotting things that felt off. Or sometimes I thought there was a continuity error. Maybe it was me. It didn’t impact my enjoyment too much anyways. 

Ms. Mitchell, please tell me Stacey will get her HEA. I’ll definitely look into more books by Mitchell when I have space in my TBR. Her style was easy to read and connect with.

Thanks for reading!