Book Review: Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

This sucked me in and didn’t let go. I haven’t stayed up late to finish a book. While that messed up my already screwed up sleep schedule, I loved the nostalgia of doing that again. I also want to read the next one ASAP, but then I have to wait for 9 months for the last book. I’m scared of how hard that wait will be. 

I can’t even explain why this worked for me so well. Evangeline was a great heroine. She occasionally made stupid mistakes, but it didn’t really bother me. I’m interested in a lot of the characters and I’m confused about who I can trust. 

I think I know the end-game romance. Normally, I would be bothered by the ambiguity, but it works here. I Hope we get more development and tension in book two.

There was a fairy tale feel to this which really worked for me. It felt magical and colorful.

I hope we get the ending to the Ballad of the Archer and the Fox. THere are also little breadcrumbs that I’m very curious to see if my theories are correct. 

I loved this so much that the next day I picked up the Caraval trilogy from my library. I want to spend more time with her writing. 

Thanks for reading!