Book Review: Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye

I picked this up after it was recommended in a YouTube video. I read it in almost one sitting and will continue the series. It could easily stand alone, but I love more character development so I definitely want more.

This basically takes place in a 24-hour time period. So, you could argue it's insta-love, but I’m ok with that. Maybe it helps that I know there’s more to come. 

Caden was in a car accident as a kid and is still dealing with trauma from that. So, he doesn’t react well to being trapped in a dark elevator wll. But talking to Makenna helps ground him.

Makenna felt a bit like she just existed for Caden. I hope she becomes more developed and isn’t just a perfect angel designed to save him.

I really just wanted this to be more emotionally raw. And that was something I really wanted-sometimes you just want a book to give you a good cry-or at least I do. Again, the next book may have that especially since it looks to be longer. I’m sure I’ll find out soon. 

Thanks for reading!