Book Review: Falling Into Love With You by Lauren Rowe

Let’s be honest, I knew I was going to like this. I mean, I enjoy Lauren Rowe and the first one was captivating. But I didn’t expect to love this as much as I did. It was hard to stop listening and I balled my freaking eyes out. The music was incorporated well, too. Although Hate Sex High is still my favorite songs from this set of books.

This did not go the way I expected-in the best possible way. It has some fake dating, but we move to an actual relationship quickly. I was worried there would be a lot of miscommunication or not talking to each other, but it wasn’t. There were little bits of that, but it wasn’t the only conflict.

Savage really came into his own here. You finally get a deeper look at who he is and how his upbringing has informed who he is. That was what I felt was missing from the first book.

There were lots of sexytimes and they were quite aggressively sexy. I really enjoyed those scenes. I love when sex scenes show character or progress the plots and these do.

Rockstar and famous people stories aren’t my favorite, but Lauren Rowe knows how to make it work for me. Smitten is my favorite still, but I think this is a close second. And I’m so excited to read Collin’s story. Oh, and the audiobook was spectacular. Andi Arndt and Jacob Morgan were both great. They definitely deserve all the praise they get.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Falling Out of Hate with You by Lauren Rowe

Lauren Rowe is such a gem. And I just love these audiobooks. The music, too. Hate Sex High is so good! I can’t stop listening to it.

Laila and Savage have an enemies/hate thing going on. I’m sure that surprises you based on the title. I appreciate a good banter or bicker, but sometimes it went too far. I do have faith that Ms. Rowe will satisfy me in the end when it comes to that. The reason(s) they don’t get a long felt a bit rushed, but eventually I just threw myself into it.

Laila was a great heroine. She’s a newer musical artist with maybe some Taylor Swift vibes. She also knows who she is and will call out BS when she sees it. Savage is kind of a stereotypical rockstar character. He has some family obligations which impact his work, but he doesn’t really seek help. 

These two have very strong chemistry. There’s a lot of sexual tension that builds well. The payoff is a little different, but definitely worked.

I started to guess how it was going to end. I was right, but I’m still interested to see what happens next. I’m hoping for a bit more character development. I also really want to read it right away, but I’m trying to pace myself.

Thanks for reading!