Book Review: The Orc from the Office by Kate Prior

These books have no business being this good. Kate Prior is a great writer who knows how to pace a novella. I can’t wait for her to write more books. 

This had a different tone than the first book. It still had moments of humor, but it was also more sweet. I literally “ahh”ed and clutched my heart several times. Khent is currently my favorite guy in a romance. He’s so sweet and caring. I think I’m a sucker for a gentle giant. 

Janice and Khent are forced together due to a series of ridiculous actions. It’s a forced mating and the pheromones are hard to resist. So there’s lots of tension and sexytimes, but it’s the emotional connection that really got me.

These covers and the concepts are over-the-top, but they are expertly executed. And just like the first book, Prior weaves in satire perfectly. 

I think I’m going to try her full-length book because it’s the only thing left.

Thanks for reading!