Honestly, I didn’t have the highest of hopes for this-maybe that’s why I enjoyed it so much.
I love the sisterly relationship between Nor and Zadie. And I’m very happy Ms. Rutherford really took the page time to build their relationship. It helped me get really invested.
A world/culture living on water was really interesting. And it was a nice contrast to the Ilareans. Your physical environment does influence you and i liked what she did with that. There were difference in food, dress, health, etc.
There isn’t a magic-system-at least not yet. But there are almost supernatural elements. I am very eager to find out about more with that.
The romance. Honestly, it felt a little off to me. I think it would be better a little slower. Talin is a compelling character and a nice love interest. Actually, Talin’s conflicting feelings with his brother was so real. It added a great layer to the conflict. Speaking of his brother-Ceren was fascinating. He was super creepy and made my skin crawl. Then, he would have these moments of humanity-or what seemed like humanity. I’m pretty sure he’s a sociopath, but Ms. Rutherford wrote him so well.
I think this story would’ve been made better by additional POVs-at least one more (perhaps Zadie’s). It would help flush out the story and world. Plus, it would help raise the stakes. With only one POV I basically know Nor won’t die. But that’s just my opinion.
There was a thing at the end which I called-or at least half called. I am definitely excited to see where the story goes. I do really hope this is just a duology, because I’m not sure there’s enough there for more. Plus, the world could use more fantasy stand alones and duologies.
Thanks for reading!