Book Review: How to Love a Duke in 10 Days by Kerrigan Byrne

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I’ve been putting off writing this review because I have no idea how to explain my thoughts. But here we go.

This is an intense story with some difficult content to read. It practically opens with a rape scene. Then, Alex has to deal with that throughout the story and her life. That’s what made it so hard to read. Here life and reaction to what happened was so raw and heartbreaking.

Alex is a compelling character I enjoyed reading about. Piers was also great. I love a strong and big hero who has a gentle heart. Their romance was sweet and decent. Toward the end it did feel a little rushed.

Alex has two friends from school which I loved. I’m a huge fan of positive friendships in my fiction. These three care so much about each other. I assume the books in the series will be about those ladies and I’m definitely excited to see where their stories go.

There is a mystery and suspense element to the story. It kept me guessing and I felt the tension. It isn’t my favorite thing in my romance, but it worked and I don’t have any complaints.

I’m happy to have spend time with these characters and am excited to read more.

Thanks for reading!