Book Review: Cakewalk by Claire Hastings

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This was so good. It was almost 5 stars, but the ending was a little rushed. It also had some serious things with Gigi and Holden’s backstory. I don’t have triggers, but I think this book should have content warnings. There are discussions of domestic abuse and the loss of a spouse and child.

I really liked Gigi and Holden. Sometimes I’m more connected to one character, but here I liked them equally. Gigi works very hard and tends to be very positive even though she’s been through a lot. Holden is pretty moody and grumpy, but doesn’t repel joy like he’s allergic to it. Thank God, because I’m so over that character.

The romance is pretty cute. There’s a forced proximity thing going on. Sometimes this can cause the romance to feel forced, but it didn’t. Gigi and Holden seemed to be exactly what each other needed. They were physically attracted to each other, but also supported each other emotionally and with their goals. It made my heart so happy every time Holden offered to help Gigi with her backing. 

Like I said before, the ending was very rushed. It actually surprised me when I got to the epilogue. I was sure I had missed something. Ms. Hastings did go somewhere with the climax that I wasn’t expecting which I appreciated.

I would definitely recommend this. It was nice to be in the Busy Bean again. I also will read another Claire Hastings book which is one of the things I love about the World of True North books. They introduce me to new authors.

Thanks for reading!