Book Review: Friendzoned by Rachel Blaufeld

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friend zoned synopsis.png

This had a lot of buzzwords and tropes I like. Unfortunately, this was a bit of disappointment. Probably more of a 2.5 star, but since I don’t do half stars anymore so I round up.

For the most part I didn’t really care about these characters or their romance. Probably ⅔  in I started to like them a little-especially Murphy, but that only goes so far. And I still didn’t feel the romance-I never saw the chemistry..

I did really like Hunnie and she did a lot to carry this story. I think sometimes authors have too much fun with side characters and the other characters/plots suffer.

Then, there are two pet peeves I have. First, Murphy is reading Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen. This book shouldn’t exist, because technically Brooklynaire takes place in the same universe as the World of True North books. Second, Ben pours syrup on Murphy’s lady bits. Please don’t do this. It’s just asking for a yeast infection. 

Also, my cat’s name is Murphy. I don’t think that impacted my enjoyment, but maybe it did.

Thanks for reading!