2021 Wrap-Up and 2022 Reading Goals

Last year was even more of a blur than the previous year. Maybe it’s the state of the world or maybe it’s that thing where as you get older and time goes faster. It could be a little bit of both.

It was also a very rough year for me emotionally. While my anxiety was better, I often felt depressed or lethargic. I also felt lonely a lot. I’ve always been happy with my own company-my mom is the same. But this year I felt my aloneness in a way I never have before. Again maybe getting older and still being single is part of that. 

I did read a lot: over 250 books. I’m very happy with that, especially since I didn’t finish a single book in November or December. I did have a secret goal to read 365 books that I obviously didn’t accomplish. I’m a bit disappointed, but am happy I didn’t push myself to read when I didn’t want to.

I read a ton of audiobooks and I think that was a factor in how many books I finished. I also discovered some new favorite authors like Lauren Rowe and Cara Bastone. I also gave Katee Robert a second chance which was a great choice. Now, I’m obsessed with her and even support her on Patreon.

Below are some of the stats on my year of reading that I like to track.

Star Ratings

Genres Read

Age Category

Book Source

Book Format

I have one main goal for 2022-to read 100 books. That’s usually my only goal because it’s low pressure and I like my reading to be fun and not an obligation. I would like to also finish a bunch of the series I have on my TBR shelf. At the end of last year, I  did a YouTube video on series I need to finish.

There’s also a video up where I review last year and talk about my goals.

Thanks for reading!