January Wrap-Up (2023)

I think 2023 is off to a good start. I had some hard things happen in my personal life, but they also opened my eyes to some things. Because of these things I’m hopeful for how my mental health is going to proceed this year. 

And I'm Happy with my reading this month. I hoped to read more, but the quality of books was very good. And I’m super into Stephanie Garber now. I am trying to ration her books a bit. 

Here are the books I finished along with my rating and thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

December Wrap-Up (2022)

Well I made it through December and 2022. It was a particularly stressful time at work and in life. My birthday and Christmas were a little odd because of the winter storm that ravaged the US.

I think half my reading happened while I was on vacation at Disney World. That was a different experience for me, but it was fun. 

Here are the books I read along with my ratings and thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

June Wrap-Up (2022)

June was a month. My slump continued this month and I barely read anything. I only finished one book and it was at the end of the month. 

Work also continued to be stressful which contributed to my slumpy feeling. I really need to work on how work impacts my personal life. 

I have started exercising-more specifically walking. I think that has helped my mental health and I’m proud with the progress I’ve been making on those goals.

Here is the book I read and my thoughts:
Thanks for reading!

April Wrap-Up (2022)

April flew by faster than any other month. It was peak tax season which is a busy time for my work. I also always feel a little down after a vacation.

So, I didn’t read as much as I normally would. But I’m fine with that because I’ve been giving myself grace. May’s also off to a great start, too.

Here are the books I read along with some thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

March Wrap-Up (2022)

Is anyone else weirded out by writing “2022” still? I just can’t believe we’re already in 2022. 

I did go to Disney at the end of the month so that cut my reading a bit short. Although I did read a novella on the plane and started another book. The vacation was very needed though. It was nice to get away and relax. 

Work has also been a little stressful so that slowed my reading. I usually listen to some audiobooks while working, but I was limited in how much I could do.

I’m still happy with my reading in both quantity and quality. I read some new-to-me authors and old favorites. I also had a couple favorite reads this month-Shenanigans and The Hollow Heart. 

Here are all the books I finished in March along with my ratings and some thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

Quarterly Wrap-Up (Q1 of 2022

The last three months have been kind of a blur. There was a lot going on at work which I think played a role. 

I did go on vacation at the end of March. I got a bit of a sunburn, but it was totally worth it. 

I also read lots of books. I’m very happy with how much I read. I’ve even completed a couple of series and found a new favorite author-Elizabeth Lim. I’ve also continued my journey through Katee Robert’s backlist

Here are some stats and my favorite reads of each month.

January Wrap-Up (2022)

2022 is off to a great start-at least when it comes to reading. I finished 17 books and really enjoyed most of them. I did have one DNF. But I think that was really just the audiobook narrator not working for me.

I honestly don’t know what happened in my personal life. It was a huge blur. There was a winter storm and it was on a weekend. That was nice because I could enjoy the beauty of the snow without the stress of driving in it.

I also read my first Nikki Sloane book this month. It was gripping and I definitely want to read more books by her. Below are all the books I read this January along with some quick thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

2021 Wrap-Up and 2022 Reading Goals

Last year was even more of a blur than the previous year. Maybe it’s the state of the world or maybe it’s that thing where as you get older and time goes faster. It could be a little bit of both.

It was also a very rough year for me emotionally. While my anxiety was better, I often felt depressed or lethargic. I also felt lonely a lot. I’ve always been happy with my own company-my mom is the same. But this year I felt my aloneness in a way I never have before. Again maybe getting older and still being single is part of that. 

I did read a lot: over 250 books. I’m very happy with that, especially since I didn’t finish a single book in November or December. I did have a secret goal to read 365 books that I obviously didn’t accomplish. I’m a bit disappointed, but am happy I didn’t push myself to read when I didn’t want to.

I read a ton of audiobooks and I think that was a factor in how many books I finished. I also discovered some new favorite authors like Lauren Rowe and Cara Bastone. I also gave Katee Robert a second chance which was a great choice. Now, I’m obsessed with her and even support her on Patreon.

Below are some of the stats on my year of reading that I like to track.

Star Ratings

Genres Read

Age Category

Book Source

Book Format

I have one main goal for 2022-to read 100 books. That’s usually my only goal because it’s low pressure and I like my reading to be fun and not an obligation. I would like to also finish a bunch of the series I have on my TBR shelf. At the end of last year, I  did a YouTube video on series I need to finish.

There’s also a video up where I review last year and talk about my goals.

Thanks for reading!

October Wrap-Up (2021)

Is anyone else tired of saying “I can’t believe X month is over” or is it just me? When I look back, this month is a blur. That’s been happening to me a lot lately. I’m not sure it’s part of getting older or because work has been so stressful.

Even with work being mentally exhausting, I read over 20 books which I'm Happy with. I started the Black Room by Jasinda Wilder and Jade London. I got the complete collection in a Hello Lovely package. I’m enjoying it, but ridiculously confused.

And if I wasn’t before, I’m officially a huge fan of Lauren Rowe. She’s now an auto-buy author for me. I even pre-ordered the audiobook of her next book. I’m very excited to buy physical copies of all of her books to add to my library. I’m just trying to limit my spending as we enter the holiday season.

Here are the books I read along with ratings and some notes:

Thanks for reading!