March Wrap-Up (2022)

Is anyone else weirded out by writing “2022” still? I just can’t believe we’re already in 2022. 

I did go to Disney at the end of the month so that cut my reading a bit short. Although I did read a novella on the plane and started another book. The vacation was very needed though. It was nice to get away and relax. 

Work has also been a little stressful so that slowed my reading. I usually listen to some audiobooks while working, but I was limited in how much I could do.

I’m still happy with my reading in both quantity and quality. I read some new-to-me authors and old favorites. I also had a couple favorite reads this month-Shenanigans and The Hollow Heart. 

Here are all the books I finished in March along with my ratings and some thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!