March Wrap-Up (2022)

Is anyone else weirded out by writing “2022” still? I just can’t believe we’re already in 2022. 

I did go to Disney at the end of the month so that cut my reading a bit short. Although I did read a novella on the plane and started another book. The vacation was very needed though. It was nice to get away and relax. 

Work has also been a little stressful so that slowed my reading. I usually listen to some audiobooks while working, but I was limited in how much I could do.

I’m still happy with my reading in both quantity and quality. I read some new-to-me authors and old favorites. I also had a couple favorite reads this month-Shenanigans and The Hollow Heart. 

Here are all the books I finished in March along with my ratings and some thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: The Hollow Heart by Marie Rutkowski

This book destroyed me. It had no right being this good. Marie Rutkowski has a skill that truly impresses.

I enjoyed The Midnight Lie, but nothing like this. I also probably should’ve re-read the first book. I do remember connecting more with Nirrim than Sid last time, but here I was obsessed with Sid. I loved every single time we had a chapter with her. The God chapters really got to me as well.

There is still a romance here, but Nirrim and Sid are mainly apart. Normally, this bothers me, but it worked here. The romance wasn’t the main part of the story, but it’s very prominent. Heavy on the angst-especially Sid.

Sid’s story was beautiful. I was crying a lot during her chapters. Not sobbing, but gentle tears of the empathy I felt for her. Reading about her relationship with her parents and the desire to be loved and feel wanted just hit hard. I don’t want to go into it too much because of spoilers. But it felt so very real and raw.

Nirrim also goes on a journey. This one was harder to read, but I think on purpose. She’s losing her humanity, throughout this and that’s heartbreaking. 

You could probably read a lot into this when it comes to feminist and queer theory. But you can also read it as a book. I can appreciate a novel with layers.

I’ve been so impressed by Marie Rutkowski. I think I’m going to read it even though it’s a genre I don’t read. Now, I need to stop myself from re-reading the Winner’s trilogy and the duology.

Thanks for reading!