October Wrap-Up (2021)

Is anyone else tired of saying “I can’t believe X month is over” or is it just me? When I look back, this month is a blur. That’s been happening to me a lot lately. I’m not sure it’s part of getting older or because work has been so stressful.

Even with work being mentally exhausting, I read over 20 books which I'm Happy with. I started the Black Room by Jasinda Wilder and Jade London. I got the complete collection in a Hello Lovely package. I’m enjoying it, but ridiculously confused.

And if I wasn’t before, I’m officially a huge fan of Lauren Rowe. She’s now an auto-buy author for me. I even pre-ordered the audiobook of her next book. I’m very excited to buy physical copies of all of her books to add to my library. I’m just trying to limit my spending as we enter the holiday season.

Here are the books I read along with ratings and some notes:

Thanks for reading!