Book Review: The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson

I don’t normally write reviews for something this short, but I think I need to process what I just read. I’ve known the basics for years, but I didn’t know how much there was to this. Honestly, this was even more tragic than I expected. But it also has some hopeful bits.

I have no plans to avoid spoilers. You’ve been warned. 

This was longer than a lot of fairy tales I’ve read. I was happy with that because it feels like more than a parable or quick fable.

There’s some gruesome stuff here. There’s weird blood stuff and the thing where her feet hurt constantly while walking. I’ve only read one other Hans Christian Anderson story and it also has bloody feet stuff. Sir, what happened? Who wronged you?

Obviously, it’s very sad that the little mermaid gives up everything, including her life for a man who doesn’t care about her. But what really got me was the scene when her sisters came up to her. So many people/mermaids were heartbroken here.

The way the Prince talks to or about The Little Mermaid is so weird/uncomfortable. He treats her like a dog and she just laps up the little bits of attention.

I’m not sure what I was supposed to get out of this and the ending. Is there a religious message? What is it? Is she good because she sacrificed herself? Does she even regret anything? She’s a child! Is it a commentary on adolescence and rash judgment? Does Anderson dislike women? Does he think they should be meek? Or the opposite? Am I overthinking this?

I may need to change my rating to five stars since this is causing me to think so much. I will also be reading some scholarly stuff on this because I need more perspectives.

Thanks for reading!