Book Review: Our Overtime by S.C. Kate

Why is starting a review so hard? 

This is a second chance romance which is one of my favorite tropes. It also has some pretty angsty moments. It also has a lot of hockey which I like in my romance. At times, the relationship dynamic reminded me of the District Ballet Company books. There are also moments of domestic violence if that bothers you. 

I read this in a few hours and was easily engaged. It kept me turning my figurative Kindle pages. But it was also a little bit lacking. Sometimes I needed breathing moments. That may have helped me connect more. The characters weren’t quite as flushed out as I would’ve liked. The romance was also a bit underdeveloped. I never really saw the love-especially when they reconnected. Instead, I was just told. I believe the romance, I just wanted it to be a bit more.

This does have closed door/fade-to-black scenes. Some people prefer that and others hate it, so I like to point it out. Personally, I don’t care as long as the romance is written well.

While this wasn’t my favorite, S.C. Kate has a lot of potential. She is still a new author and I think her books will get better as she practices her skill. I will continue to try books by her-especially if they’re still on Kindle Unlimited.

Thanks for reading!