July Wrap-Up (2022)

I’m reading again! Most, if not all, of the books I read this month were audio books. So, I guess I’m still in a bit of a slump when it comes to reading with my eyes.

And I’m really happy with the quality of what I read. Now, I’m finally doing my Poison Study re-read so I can finish the series. I love those books just as much this time around. 

I also started this month by finally getting Covid. It really hit me hard. Well that is a tad dramatic. It was like a bad cold, but it was exhausting. I took a lot of naps. Sadly, I didn’t use that time to read. 

Here are the books I read along with some thoughts on them:

Thanks for reading!

August Wrap-Up (2021)

I don’t have much to say about August. It was a really bad month for me mentally and emotionally. I guess you could say I was in a reading slump, but I just had little-to-no interest in doing pretty much anything.

My niece was born toward the end of the month. She was a few weeks early, but healthy. She’s an adorable little peanut. I also visited my brother and sister-in-law to meet her and celebrate my nephew’s birthday. It was great to spend some quality time with family.

I was able to finish about 15 books. Objectively that’s very good, but I really wanted to read more. I did give out a lot of 5 stars though. So quality over quantity or something like that right? Well there’s always next month.

Below are the books I read in August along with my ratings and some quick thoughts.

Thanks for reading!