August Wrap-Up (2022)

August is a bit of a blur when I look back on it. I know I went camping with my family which was tons of fun. I also spent a lot of time with my niece and nephew. Being able to spend time with them was amazing.

I read a decent amount of books. I’m still a bit more into YouTube than reading, but I’m just trying not to pressure myself. My reading still leans more toward audio books,too. 

Here are the books I read a long with some thoughts:

Thanks for reading!

December Wrap-Up (2021)

Another month with no completed books. I didn’t read at all this month. I think this is the longest I’ve gone without finishing a book. Probably since I started reading as a kid. I still love books, but I was not ok mentally. This whole year has been a mess for me-I’m sure I’ve talked about this before. I did recently have a little break through and am trying to take pressure off myself. This is all self-imposed so there’s no reason to add stress.

I did go on another Disney trip at the beginning of the month which was very much needed. It’s exhausting physically, but rejuvenated me metnally-at least for a little bit.

December is also Christmas and my birthday month. My dad’s family did their annual Christmas eve party which is one of my favorite traditions. We alos did it on the 26th this year. IT was great to return to this after not doing it last year.

Of course there are no notes on finished books, but hopefully there will be next month.

I hope your 2022 is amazing! Take care of yourself!

Thanks for reading!

August Wrap-Up (2021)

I don’t have much to say about August. It was a really bad month for me mentally and emotionally. I guess you could say I was in a reading slump, but I just had little-to-no interest in doing pretty much anything.

My niece was born toward the end of the month. She was a few weeks early, but healthy. She’s an adorable little peanut. I also visited my brother and sister-in-law to meet her and celebrate my nephew’s birthday. It was great to spend some quality time with family.

I was able to finish about 15 books. Objectively that’s very good, but I really wanted to read more. I did give out a lot of 5 stars though. So quality over quantity or something like that right? Well there’s always next month.

Below are the books I read in August along with my ratings and some quick thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

July Wrap-Up (2019)

July was another great reading month. Shout out to audio books really helping with that. The Reading Rush also had a big impact. I am so close to completing my GoodReads goal for 2019.

Normally, around this time of year my reading starts to have a big drop-off. I don’t feel like that is going to happen. That’s really exciting because there are so many books I want to read and listen to. I’m very excited to keep up this reading pace. Overall, they’ve been good reads, too.

Here are the books I read in July.

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