Book Review: Meet Me At the Anvil by Kate Prior

This was fun and different from a lot of the historical romances I’ve read. Like Prior’s other books, this is a bit ridiculous. I mean that in a nice easy-not as a judgment. 

I wish we could have had some of Liam’s thoughts-not an unusual complaint for me. This is in 3rd person, but limited to Diane’s POV. 

I’m a bit confused about how certain things happened, but I’m going to just throw myself into it. It also has a bit of insta-love vibes. That’s why it’s three stars, not four.

Kate Prior is a great and engaging writer. I will continue to read books from her as she publishes them.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall

This was a bit of a disappointment. I hate negative reviews, but here I am. 

Is this supposed to be a farce or satire? Is it supposed to be like The Importance of Being Earnest? It’s been like 10 years since I read or watched that, but maybe that was the attempt. If this was supposed to poke fun at the historical romance genre it failed.

The big issue was how unlikable almost every character was. Belle is an awful person and if she gets a book I will actively avoid it. Bonny wasn’t as bad as his sister, but a lot of the stuff he said to Valentine rubbed me the wrong way. Valentine was the only one I ever liked or cared about. 

I never connected to the romance. I think a huge part of that was because I didn’t think Bonny deserved Valentine. But I never really felt the chemistry or attracted to them. Valentine, please run and find someone worthy of you.

The hijinx were just ridiculous and I’m actually a fan of a ridiculous or campy story. Belle was obnoxious, immature, and endangered so many lives. Bonny just made excuses for her. Peggy eventually stood up to her. I could be a Peggy supporter if she got her own book.

Valentine was interesting and I would’ve liked more. Is she asexual? Neurodivergent? Something else? I think something really could’ve been done with him. That’s another disappointment. 

I’m going to call this one a fluke. I plan to read more books by Alexis Hall, but not in this series.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas

I couldn’t decide if I was going to write a review. Apparently I am. Although this will probably be more rambly thoughts.

First, let’s talk about Merritt. She wasn’t hat I expected. I think I thought she would be a replica of her mom, but she isn’t. Honestly, it’s probably better that she wasn’t because she is her own person. She does know what she wants and goes after it. 

MacRae was interesting. Sometimes he was too down on himself. I get why, but it got annoying. When he kept saying he wasn’t good enough for Merritt. He was a nice guy though. I liked the rough Scotsman with a heart of gold.

The romance was good, but not very deep. I don't’ know how else to describe it. They had the same conflict/argument too many times. They also had sex (on page) too many times. It, again, just felt repetitive and wasn’t moving the plot forward.

I really enjoyed seeing Sebastian again. Of course, I would’ve liked more Evie, but I get it. I should’ve expected this based on the title, but I was shocked by what happened. At first, it bothered me, but I came around. Yes, I’m trying to avoid spoilers.

There were some great relationships here. It was full of supportive friends and family which I really liked.

I’m not sure if this series is over or not, but I’ll keep reading Lisa Kleypas either way.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: One Night in Scotland by Karen Hawkins

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one night in scotland synopsis.png

This was a perfectly average historical romance. I’m starting to think that’s just how I’m going to fell about all Karen Hawkins’ books. I also feel like I have read this exact book before (but I know I havent’).

I like a scarred character, so I was predisposed to like this hero. He’s scholarly which I did like reading about. Mary, the heroine, is too. However, neither felt as developed as they could have been.

Speaking of development, the romance wasn’t that great. Ok. that my be a little extreme. Angus and Mary have chemistry and I do buy them as a couple. But the interactions weren’t as well-developed as they could’ve been. It was like they moved throughout the physical aspects of their relationship without the proper emotions. I think I just wanted them to talk to each other more.

The overall story line about the Hurst amulet and family is compelling. I want to know where that story will go and how it will be resolved. But if all the books will be 3-star reads, I’m not sure it’s worth my time. We’ll see at some point.

Thanks for reading!

July Wrap-Up (2019)

July was another great reading month. Shout out to audio books really helping with that. The Reading Rush also had a big impact. I am so close to completing my GoodReads goal for 2019.

Normally, around this time of year my reading starts to have a big drop-off. I don’t feel like that is going to happen. That’s really exciting because there are so many books I want to read and listen to. I’m very excited to keep up this reading pace. Overall, they’ve been good reads, too.

Here are the books I read in July.

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