Book Review: One Night in Scotland by Karen Hawkins

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one night in scotland synopsis.png

This was a perfectly average historical romance. I’m starting to think that’s just how I’m going to fell about all Karen Hawkins’ books. I also feel like I have read this exact book before (but I know I havent’).

I like a scarred character, so I was predisposed to like this hero. He’s scholarly which I did like reading about. Mary, the heroine, is too. However, neither felt as developed as they could have been.

Speaking of development, the romance wasn’t that great. Ok. that my be a little extreme. Angus and Mary have chemistry and I do buy them as a couple. But the interactions weren’t as well-developed as they could’ve been. It was like they moved throughout the physical aspects of their relationship without the proper emotions. I think I just wanted them to talk to each other more.

The overall story line about the Hurst amulet and family is compelling. I want to know where that story will go and how it will be resolved. But if all the books will be 3-star reads, I’m not sure it’s worth my time. We’ll see at some point.

Thanks for reading!