Book Review: The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White

I was pretty confused by this. I originally thought it was my fault because it had been over a year since I read book two. After finishing, I read some reviews. Now, I think it was the book’s fault. It was mainly that characters were doing things I wasn’t expecting.

Generally, I still enjoyed this. I thought there were very good and impactful moments. Fina was also an addition. I wouldn’t complain if I got to read more about her. 

The overall plot was a bit convoluted and the packing was off sometimes. Then, there’s the relationships which make no sense. I felt some friendships were pushed aside. And I have no idea what’s going on with the romance. Like WTF was going on?

Also what was the purpose of this? Not that every story has to have a message, but this felt like it was trying to.Part of me thinks this is about sacrifice, but there’s a bit lacking. I don’t want to go into spoilers, but I think certain characters delivered on that. 

And what was that ending? Pick a side!

I do think this would’ve been better as an adult book instead of YA. I just think she could’ve gone a little farther if it was adult. 

Sorry for the random collection of thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

I have some thoughts to work through so here we go.

First, let’s talk about the characters. There’s two main characters-Lira and Elian. Lira is a siren. She’s very harsh and cold. Her mother is also the Sea Queen who also turns her into a human. Because of her cruelty, it can be hard to connect with her, at least for me. Elian is a prince and a siren killer. He has a lot of wanderlust and doesn’t want to be a king. He came across slightly less developed than Lira. There were some interesting side characters, but they were pretty surface level.

There is a romance between Lira and Elian. I can’t decide if it’s a huge part of the story or not. They interact a lot, but it's a very antagonistic relationship. I’m unsure of the actual chemistry between them.. I don’t hate the romance, but I’m a little ambivalent. It is a pretty true enemies-to-lovers romance if you want that.

The whole book has a specific tone that I struggle to define. It’s definitely darker, but didn’t go as far as it could/should. I’m sure part of that is that it’s being a YA book. Maybe I would describe the tone as murky. Part of that is lack of development. I felt there was magic and politics that weren’t fully developed. They don’t have to be, but the murkiness did make me a little confused.

The ending was a bit rushed. I don’t want to go into spoilers, but I wanted more. Part of that is because the tone of the ending was very different. 

If I still did half stars, this would probably be a 3.5, but now I just round up. I don’t think this will be for everyone, but I think it will be a new favorite for some. I definitely don’t think it’s a Little Mermaid retelling though.

Thanks for reading!

Book Review: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

I am obsessed. Obviously I thought I would like this but I didn’t expect to fall in love. There are some glossed-over things and I can see why people might have an issue, but this sucked me and didn’t let go.

This is pitched as Mulan meets Project Runway and it delivers on the premise. Maia pretends to be her brother to compete in a competition to be a Master Tailor for the emperor. That competition is definitely like Project Runway. There’s odd tools and materials and dramatic tasks. It’s an interesting plot point, but it does end about ⅓ of the way through. I think some readers wanted it to last longer.

Considering how much visual clothing design is, Lim executes this concept well. She thoroughly describes the clothes made by Maia. I also liked how she described the process and how Maia felt working on her craft. 

The romance is very prominent. As a romance reader this doesn’t bother me at all, but I can see people wanting less romance. It did occasionally feel like it was rushed. Maia does make some extreme choices for “love”. That half bothered me but also half felt like something an 18 year old would do. I do care about this romance and am on the edge of my seat about where it’ll go. 

Something that surprised me was Maia’s family. I did not expect to care about them so quickly. Lim obviously has some magic. 

Speaking of the magic-what is it? This may be the weakest part of the story. I don’t understand the magic at all. There appears to be rules, but we don’t get to know any of them. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a soft magic system or if Lim;’s just poorly explaining things. Maybe I’ll decide after teh second book.

While I’m invested in teh romance, the other plot is compelling, too. I’m not sure who we’re supposed to like or trust. That adds to the tension. It also means I have no idea what’s going to happen in the next book. Honestly, I don’t know what our endgame is.

They don’t have a lot in common, but this made me feel a lot like I felt when I read Poison Study. After I finish the second book it may be time for a Poison Study re-read. I’m definitely glad I gave Elizabeth Lim a chance.

Thanks for reading!

July Wrap-Up (2019)

July was another great reading month. Shout out to audio books really helping with that. The Reading Rush also had a big impact. I am so close to completing my GoodReads goal for 2019.

Normally, around this time of year my reading starts to have a big drop-off. I don’t feel like that is going to happen. That’s really exciting because there are so many books I want to read and listen to. I’m very excited to keep up this reading pace. Overall, they’ve been good reads, too.

Here are the books I read in July.

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